Strict Pull-Up Program and Videos

Strict Pull-Up Program and Videos

One of the most common goals we find with new members in CrossFit is being able to do a strict pull-up.
The strict pull-up is a cornerstone of our program and we place a lot of emphasis on being able to do these.

Some of the advantages are….
1. They build upper body strength – Strict pull-ups are a great exercise for building our lats, upper back and shoulder strength.
2. They help with Kipping Pull-Ups – the strength built in isolation with the strict pull-up will build functional strength towards the kipping pull-up.
3. Functionality – they allow us to be prepared for anything whether that is hanging from something or needing to pull ourselves up, strict pull-ups will be a exercise that gives us the strength required to be that badass!

With this in mind we are providing a 4 week Program that is aimed at improving our upper body strength. This program is directed at those who are close to getting their first strict pull-up and will be for 3 sessions a week with 2 exercises in each session. This program should not take longer then 10mins a session.

Make sure to post your videos #crossfitmarrickville
Click on video links below for demonstrations…

Week 1
# 1

* Banded Strict Pull-Ups (Palms forward wide grip) 3 x 10 Use a band that allows 10 unbroken reps
* Ring Rows 3 x 8

# 2
* Horizontal Bar Rows 5 x 5
* Negative Chin-Ups 5 x 3 5-10sec from chin over bar to bottom, use a box or jump so chin starts over bar.

# 3
* Spotted Strict Pull-Ups 5 x 3 ask spotter to make reps challenging. If no spotter use a light band
* Bent Over Barbell Rows (supinated) 3 x 8 with a 51X3 tempo 5sec on way down, 1sec at bottom, up as fast as possible and 3 sec with bar at chest.

Week 2
# 1

* Banded Strict Chin-Ups 4 x 10 Use a band that allows 10 unbroken reps
* Ring Rows 3 x 8

# 2
* Horizontal Bar Rows 5 x 5
* Negative Pull-Ups 5 x 3 5-10sec from chin over bar to bottom, use a box or jump so chin starts over bar.

# 3
* Box Pull-Ups 5 x 3
* Bent Over Barbell Rows (pronated) 3 x 8 with a 51X3 tempo 5sec on way down, 1sec at bottom, up as fast as possible and 3 sec with bar at chest.

Week 3
# 1

* Banded Pull Downs 5 x 8* Ring Rows 3 x 10

# 2
* Banded Rows 3 x 12
* Banded Strict Chin-Ups 3 x 6 Use a band that allows 6 unbroken reps

# 3
* Spotted Strict Pull-Ups 5 x 3 ask spotter to make reps challenging. If no spotter use a light band
* Bent Over Barbell Rows (Supinated)3 x 8 with a 51X3 tempo 5sec on way down, 1sec at bottom, up as fast as possible and 3 sec with bar at chest.

Week 4
# 1

* Banded Strict Pull-Ups (Palms forward wide grip) 4 x 10 Use a band that allows 10 unbroken reps
* Ring Rows 3 x 10

# 2
* Single Arm DB Rows 4 x 10reps each arm
* Banded Strict Pull-Ups 3 x 6 Use a band that allows 6 unbroken reps

# 3
* Box Pull-Ups 5 x 3
* Bent Over Barbell Rows (Pronated) 3 x 8 with a 51X3 tempo 5sec on way down, 1sec at bottom, up as fast as possible and 3 sec with bar at chest.

people working out in a group fitness class


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