Team members 1 and 2 should complete the following within 8 mins, and they should do as many reps as possible (AMRAP) within that time:
30 Wall Balls(Lv1-14lb/8lb, Lv2-20lb/14lb)
30 KB Swings(Lv1-24kg/16kg, Lv2-32kg/24kg)
At the same time, team members 3 and 4 should complete the following, again 8 mins AMRAP:
15 Hang Power Cleans(Lv1 45kg/30kg, Lv2-60kg/40kg)
15 Shoulder to Overhead(Lv1 45kg/30kg, Lv2-60kg/40kg)
After the 8 mins of AMRAP are up, the whole team should rest for 2 minutes and then switch!
Then, after both pairs have completed both 8 min sets, the whole team should rest until the clock reaches 25mins then complete:
15min AMRAP of:
150m Run
7 Clean and Jerks(Lv1 45kg/30kg, Lv2-60kg/40kg)
9 Box Jump Overs(24/20)
# relay style