Results For Category: "CrossFit"

5 Simple Things You Can Do To Be More Successful In The Gym

A question that you should ask yourself now is, ‘ARE’ you getting the most out of your training?’  
Find out what you can do to get more out of your training here.

Why Do We Use The Rogue Echo Bike?

In CrossFit our movements come from 3 main areas, gymnastics, weightlifting and mono-structural exercise. Mono-structural exercises refers to metabolic conditioning activities such as running, skipping, rowing, and the Rogue Echo Bike!

Improve Recovery After CrossFit

These days we are often bombarded with the latest fitness craze and fancy recovery tool, when 99% of us just need to focus on these 3 simple cost-effective strategies. Find out what they are here

Modify, Progressions & Substitutions

When you start CrossFit, it can be overwhelming and sometimes daunting. Using these 3 methods we can ensure you get a safe, fun and suitable workout – Modify, progressions and substitutions.

How Fast Can You Gain or Lose Fitness?

Many people who are thinking about exercising want to know how fast you can gain fitness. And current exercisers often want to know how fast…

5 Training Thoughts and Ideas For 2022

Positive thoughts and habits Most of you will have a handful of health or fitness goals. Having goals are important drivers for us and keep…


With statistics such as nearly 1 in 2 Australians experiencing a mental health disorder in their lifetime and 1 in 5 experiencing a disorder in…

5 Fitness Habits You Need To Build In Your 20s

You probably already know that fitness is important. But is there really a benefit to getting into it in your 20s? The answer is yes!…

Building Strength After 40: Yes, You Can!

Can you build strength after 40? Absolutely! Many people think that we get weaker as we get older. And it’s true that we’ll all experience…

The Complete Beginner’s Guide On How To Start Working Out

The way you start working out makes a world of a difference in how fast (and safely) you get to where you want to be….